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Upon reaching age 50, I was determined to prove (mostly to myself I suppose) that I was still capable of finding new interests. At that time I decided to do something challenging, interesting and that I could spread out over an entire year. I chose to go swimming on Cape Cod at least once every month, no matter what the temperature or weather. The outcome of that escapade is another story. I found the results so cathartic that I’ve been prompted to find an endeavor around which to construct each year. I’m not going swimming on January 1st again! Who needs that? What I am going to do is dedicate one day a month to a year-long Cape Cod goal. Each year will be different task, the product of fantasy or whimsy.

That brings me to 2004. The newest task seems simple – to walk the outer beach from Coast Guard Beach in Eastham to Long Point in Provincetown. It is a matter of 45 miles. Only mildly physically demanding for a healthy individual, I’m sure it has been accomplished countless times in many forms.

But in attempting to do so I get to plan, anticipate and follow through on something that has always intrigued me. I hope at times to feel a kinship with Harry Beston as I enjoy the solitude of the beach where the Outermost House once stood and witness the effects of erosion that finally swept it away. I will walk in the footsteps of Henry David Thoreau, looking for reminders of the same observations of both man and nature noted in “Cape Cod”. At times I may be confronted with the barrier of high tides that lap at the base of the dunes. At low tide I will scan the sandbars for signs of past shipwrecks. I can only hope to find an incrusted dabloon from the wreck of the pirate ship Whydah or natural treasures within the wrack line.

It is an excursion that has the potential to disappoint at times and elate at others. Most certainly it will offer up the unpredicted.

The manner in which the plan is devised makes it a continually increasing challenge. Though I could undoubtedly complete the task within one month of the summer, I choose to divide it into twelve segments. Only one segment will be completed each month. The twelve legs of the journey must also be done in sequence. As you will eventually find out, the months of October and December present hazards capable of derailing the project.

For most if not all of the journey I expect to be accompanied by my wife Arlene. There is no one better with which to share the experience. It is impossible to explain the comforts of someone who travels a parallel path. Our footsteps are certain to diverge as our own interests draw us to different parts of the beach. But time has proven that as certain and natural as waves lapping on the shore, our paths will re-intersect. Being free to explore separate interests yet certain to share experiences and stories – well, it just doesn’t get any better than that.

Whether anyone else meets us along the way and decides to follow will be incidental. Arlene and I savor shared moments and relish solitude. Life is what it is!

You are welcome to share the journey vicariously or otherwise. Each month I’ll chronicle the trip, both in story and picture. If you have done something of a similar fashion I’d be happy to include your story for any interested readers.

Month by month links will be added!